KP Astrology has its own way prediction for marriage and Relationship
Basic Points to remember: Significators of (2, 7, 11 houses) for Marriage and 5 for Love and Romance. whereas 1, 6, 10 houses significators are for Delay/ Dispute/ Denial, and 4th house significator is for Love affair fail.
Significators says:
- 1 = No Adjustment in Family
- 2 = Addition of new family member/ Marriage Promise
- 3 = Relationship take place at long distance
- 4 = Love Affair Fail/ Delay
- 5 = Love & Care/ Romance, pleasure & Sexual enjoyment
- 6 = Dispute & Denial
- 7 = Legal Bondage/ Marriage
- 8 = Disappointment
- 9 = Multiplication of Marriage
- 10 = Delay
- 11 = Permanent Tie/ Agreement/ Physical Relation/ Mutual consent
- 12 = Loss of Reputation
7th Sub Lord Character
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord 2, 7, 11, 5 Marriage
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord Mercury Dual Marriage
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord Planet in Dual Sign 3, 6, 9 Dual Marriage
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord Sat. Mer, Ven – Attraction to Someone
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord Sun, Jup– Loyal
- 7th Sub Lord/Start Lord Rah Ket – Must Do Inter Cast Marriage Will Be Better
Detrimental Houses
- Bad Houses: 1, 6, 10 = Delay/ Dispute/ Denial
- 5, 8, 10 = (any two) Live in Relationship 5,8/ 8,10/ 5,10
- 4th house (12th from 5th) Negate Love Matters
- 11th Sub Lord/ Star Lord = 6, 10 Divorce
- 11th Sub Lord/ Star Lord = 1, 3, 5, 9, 12 Spouse leave house
Reason of Separation about Spouse
- 6th SL
- SUN Spouse Egoist
- MON Spouse give Mentally Torture
- MAR Spouse use Abuse Language
- MER Spouse Abuse Language
- JUP Financial Issue of Spouse
- VEN Spouse have Extra Relationship/ Luxury Person
- SAT Spouse have Misunderstanding
- RAH Depend on Rashi
- KET Depend on Rashi
Analyses Explained:
- Marriage: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and with unafflicted Venus, marriage is promised and the same fructifies in the conjoined period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11. Consider the 2nd, 7th, and 11th for marriage; 2nd for addition to family; 7th for wife or husband, and legal tie. The 7th is the main house for marriage; and then consider also the11th house, respectively. If the Sub Lord of the 7th Cusp is the significator or connected to the 2nd, 7th, or 11th, the native marries during the joint periods, or dashas, of the significators of the 2nd (additions to the family), the 7th (wife or husband; legal tie) and 11th (permanent tie of friendship).
- Marriage stopped: Consider houses 1, 6 and 10 for separation or divorce, being 12th from 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses respectively. These houses denote absence of married life. if the sub lord of the 7tha cusp is the significator of 1, 6, 10 or 12, marriage will not take place with the party in question, position of Venus to be looked into. If the Sub Lord of the 7th cusp is the significator, for example, in the Star of the occupant or owner of the 1st, 6th or 10th, or connected with the 1st, 6th, 10th, or Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, in barren or in sterile signs, such as Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, or Capricorn, it denies marriage.
- If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in the constellation of a planet signifying 6 and 11, you can have a partner in business. If signifies 6 and 12, partnership will break. If signifies 5 and 11, permanent tie with partner. If signifies 5, 8 and 12, partner will be benefited and you stand to lose much.
- If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 7, 8, 12 and 5, opponent is very powerful in all walks of life.
- If the sub lord of the 7th cusp signifies 2, 7 and 11 and the girl born with such ruling planets (as are the significators of 2, 7 and 11) and you can marry rich girl for harmonious married life. If 1, 6 and 10 she will not come under marriage fold.
- Will marriage take place between two persons: if the Lagna that rises as per the number given by querent within 249, moon is posited at the time of the query in any of the houses 3, 5, 7, 10 or 11, and it received beneficial aspect from Jupiter with benefic signification in the chart, marriage will surely take place between them and if Saturn comes, there will be some delay and no denial.
- If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is either Venus or Jupiter and signifies 2 and 11, very happy marital life.
- If the 7th cusp sub lord is sun – no pleasure, moon – very pleasant, mars – silly quarrels and displeasure, Mercury – enjoys more than ones, Jupiter – pleasant, Venus – extreme pleasure, Lust, Saturn dissatisfaction in intercourse and duration short.
- If the 7th cusp sub lord is Saturn, aged husband i.e. Difference is very much, Jupiter, Venus and sun – proper difference in age, Moon, Mars or Mercury – difference is very little and at times husband will be younger. Rahu and Ketu, in terms of rashi lords.
- If the 7th cusp sub lord in the constellation of a planet signifying 4 and 10, one living in the same house or village. 3rd – partner may be cousin or a neighbor. Ascendant – in the same town 11th – from the friend’s family. 5 and 9 live marriage or foreigner.
- 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying dual sign (3,9,12), more than one wife and if the same sub lord signified 2 and 11.
- If you want to know your future from an astrologer, the 7th cusp denoted the astrologer. If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is a fast-moving planet, he will predict immediately, slow moving planet, there will be delay in analysis of the problem.
- Theft: if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury, thief is very young, Venus – youthful and young female, mars – full of age, Jupiter – middle age, Saturn – elderly person, sun – young and sex – see the sub lord in terms of the planets sex.
- Partner in business is shown by 7th cusp. If the sub lord is Mercury tells more than one partner and if signifies 11th strong tie of partnership and if will connected to Venus through sub, cordial relationship is promised.