MARRIAGE: The 7th cusp sub lord indicates one’s marriage. If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, one’s marriage is promised. If the same 7th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st or 6th or 10th his marriage is denied in most cases. If the sub lord of 7th cusp is a significator to the 11th house and sits in the 6th bhava, one should not think that the native is getting married.

When the 7th house is not prominent in one’s chart with beneficial aspect by Jupiter or Moon, indicating legal bondage, one’s marriage without legal sanction by the parents occurs, due to the higher sanction of the houses 2nd and 11th of both bride and groom. When Venus is exalted in the 12th to a Arise lagna native, and conjoined with the lord of the sign, he will lead a happy wedded life, if the other formalities as per K P. are favorable. A planet, which ever it is, if became debilitated and occupied the 12th, especially Venus, and not conjoined the lord of the sign; his marital bliss is zero for him or her.

Marriage or a living together relation or romantic relation will happen to a person only if one of the sublords of 2nd, 7th, 11th cusps are one of the significators of same houses.

If sublord is connected to only 7 and 11 houses then it will be friendship which will get physical too but no legal marriage as 2nd house (family) connection is missing.

If 2,7,11 sublords are connected to only 1,6,10 significators, then person will remain single forever.

Love Marriage: If sublord of 7th house is significator of 5th house and above condition of marriage is satisfied then one will marry the person they love, else not.

Relation with Spouse: Check sublord of 11th cusp.

See its position with respect to 7th house.

This shows the feeling your spouse will have on you (as 11th is their mind).

If that sublord occupies 12th, 6th houses in your chart, your spouse will develop hatred towards you and will be mentally separated.

If it occupies 2nd house in your chart, they will always be suspicious and insulting in their words and acts.

DIVORCE: Marital divorce is indicated, if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is significator to 1st &6th—or 6th and 10th with an afflicted Venus in the chart.

Venus gets neechathva (debility) when she occupies Virgo rashi. Her debility will be cancelled if the lord of Virgo rashi occupies the sign of Venus and gives Neechbhanga Rajayoga

PREGNENCY: If the sub lord of the 5th cusp signifies 2nd or 5th or the 11th in connection with fruitful or semi-fruitful signs, one becomes pregnant.

If the same is connected to the barren signs viz., Arise, Gemini, Leo, and Virgo, the lady cannot get pregnant.

If the sub lord of the XI cusp is in the star of a planet which is Mercury or another planet which has occupied a dual sign such as Gemini or Sagittarius,

Or Pisces, one will deliver more than one child. At times the lady will deliver twins in attempt.

ADOPTION: If the 4th cusp sub lord is deposited in a dual sign, and if the sub lord himself is Mercury, and if he signifies the 8th house, which indicates legacy, that particular child can go in adoption. More over one should judge the chart of the adopting person.

CAREER WIFE: If the sub lord of the 4th cusp signifies 4th or 8th or 12th houses or any of the above houses, one will get a girl who is an earning woman.

Divorce comes because, the wife or husband, whose sub lord of the 7th cusp is a significator to 3,6, 11, and one gets success in their divorce appeal

CO-BORN (Twins): To know whether a child will a have co-born, the significator of the 3rd house and connected with the 2nd house and also becomes the significator to the 11th house, one is promised to have younger brother or sisters. If the 3rd cusp lord is connected with Ketu or Rahu, the child in the womb of the mother will die before or after the birth. If Mars is connected with 3rd house, he will destroy the younger ones.

If the significators of 2nd 7th 11th house who indicate marital matters, if they are also significators to the 3rd house there will be the agreement and if it is also a significator to the 9th house, the consent and agreement by the parents of the opposite sex in question.

OVERSEAS AFTER WEDDING: If the sub lord of the cusp signifies the 9th or 12th and to the 3rd house and connected to the 7th house which refers to one’s wife or husband, then the wife or husband will go foreign after marriage. For leaving your permanent residential place, you should have the 3rd house significator’s period in operation.

The word connection in any manner is to be understood in K.P. is that a relevant planet should have occupied the sign or star or the sub of a particular planet denoting the wife or the husband as the case may be in question.

In general, if one leaves the present residence, it is understood as separation.

Therefore, confinement or imprisonment are also comes under separation.

If Rahu is at 12th house or if he is the sub lord of the 12 cusp, and become the significator to 3rd or 8th or to the 12th the native may be imprisoned. If Rahu has occupied the star of retrograde planet at birth, he will not face such confinement etc.